Terms and Conditions
When registering a new account: masello.com has an internal approval system. When your account is created, it will default to a Pending Status and shopping will be unavailable until verification is complete. Estimated turnaround is 2-4 Business days. Please log out of your Pending Account to continue browsing products. For expedited approval, please make sure all of your Masello Account Information is accurate.
Pricing and Checking Out:
BE ADVISED: All Billing is Processed In-House, Using Your Masello Account Payment Terms, Not Through This Website. No funds are exchanged on Shopmasello.com. A Masello of NE account is required to shop, if you do not have one please contact our Customer Service Representatives at: 1-800-828-0030
Actual Pricing Will Be Determined by Account Status, Item Availability, APPLICABLE SALES TAX and SHIPPING & HANDLING. Pricing is subject to change without notice. Orders will be shipped to the address that is attached to your Masello of NE account number and not what is chosen at checkout if different.
BE ADVISED: We can no longer ship to home addresses, and can only ship to the address that is attached to your Masello Account. Please remove any extra addresses from your masello.com account that do not match your Masello Account Credentials.
Middlesex, Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, Worcester & Plymouth
Fairfield, Hartford, New Haven, New London & Middlesex
Item Images Are Generic To The Product Lines.
Shipping costs are determined by your account payment terms.
Products can only be returned for credit if unused and in re-sellable condition
Over 45 days 20% restocking fee
Over 90 days 50% restocking fee
After 180 days no returns are accepted
Shortages and damages must be reported to the office within 72 hours.